A specialist has suggested that the location of the possible debris from missing flight MH370 means it COULD NOT have got there without human intervention.
Australian security expert Neil Fergus says there is no way the missing Malaysian Airlines plane could have got to the location now being searched of its own accord.
Speaking on Australia's Channel 9 he also ruled out a catastrophic malfunction, suggesting the plane couldn't have made it all the way to an area south west of Perth simply due to any kind of fault.
Mr Fergus told the channel the only way the plane could have made it that far from its original flight path was by human hand, be it by one or both of the pilots, or passengers.
"If this debris does turn out to be the missing MH370 then, given its location, we can definitely rule out technical malfunction," he said.
"There is no way with (some) sort of technical calamity or fire that it could have travelled to where it appears to be. It would - in the first instance confirm - human intervention."
The comments come in the wake of news earlier today that two objects have been spotted in a remote part of the the Indian Ocean - and that they could be debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight.
Four military search planes have now been dispatched to take a closer look at the objects, one of which had a dimension of 24 metres (82 feet).
There could be other objects in waters nearby in the area that is a four-hour flight from Australia's coast, said John Young, manager of Australian Maritime Safety Authority's emergency response division.
"This is a lead, it's probably the best lead we have right now," he said, while cautioning that the objects could also be seaborne debris along a key shipping route where containers periodically fall off cargo vessels.